Marc Hill Thanks Candlestick Park

Taken in a place warmer,
less windy than Candlestick!

You know you’re getting a special letter when the former player apologizes:

“Sorry about my writing. I had my left hand smashed. Finger still sore.

Best wishes,
Marc Hill

Despite the pain, the autograph has the same sparkle as it did during his career.

I asked about Candlestick Park. Hill replied:

“The ballpark was cold and windy, but gave me six years in big leagues. Pop Ups [his emphasis!] could start off behind the plate and end up down 1st base or 3rd base line. It was tough.”

Did he have a best home run memory? Hill chose three:

“The first homer was the best. [Against Carl Morton, April 12, 1975.] Got it behind me.

Then, when we played the Cardinals, my former team, hit homer off John Denny.

And home run off Tom Seaver.”

Best wishes to Marc Hill and all his fingers.

Tomorrow: how much did a no-hitter pay in 1974? Learn from Dick Bosman.  

Giant Marc Hill Honors Willie McCovey

Same ‘graph today!

What makes Willie McCovey a real Hall of Famer?

Forget the stats. Beyond home runs, he left a lasting impression on the game. Just ask his teammates.

When I wrote to Marc Hill, I remembered McCovey devising a nickname for the newcomer.

Essentially, “Big Mac” surveyed the young catcher. He stated that he had heard of Boot Hill, Bunker Hill, but not Marc Hill. The veteran first sacker combined the best of both worlds. Thus, the legend of Marc “Booter” Hill was born.

I hoped Hill might have more insight about his legendary teammate. “Booter” didn’t disappoint.

“Willie McCovey: Great leader. Gentle Giant.

Someone to look up to. Help me take one game at a time.

How to forget the day before if it was a bad game.

Treat people with respect.”

Tomorrow: Hill recalls three notable homers, along with the mixed blessing of Candlestick Park.