Baseball Hall of Fame Plaque Postcards Still A Bargain

Spotted this on eBay.
Collectors can buy
direct from the
Hall of Fame
gift shop.

I just checked in with the Baseball Hall of Fame.

I published a blog post back in 2010 about the famous postcards showing member plaques.Who doesn’t own at least one autographed?
 Each year, eBay dealers and other schemers try to sell the unsigned postcards at huge profits. 
Collectors see the minimum postage and handling costs in the Hall of Fame catalog or online, worrying that only a few cards would be costly.
Postcards are different. Buy direct!
I was told by the HOF that the same 2010 prices apply today. Just 50 cents per postcard, and $2 shipping and handling for up to 20 postcards.
Check out the prior post for more details, including the Hall of Fame gift shop phone number. You can place credit card orders or FAX in bigger requests.