Cardinal Mike Tyson Ducks My Questions

Mike still loves that
majestic “M”

This week begins with good news and bad news.

Former St. Louis infielder Mike Tyson replied in just a week. He’s maintained a pristine, sweeping autograph. I could read every letter of his name.

However, he ignored the questions in my letter — which came back autographed, at least.

I behaved. I never asked him any questions about boxing!

Coming Tuesday: Tom’s “10 Most Wanted List” Returns

(Red)bird Watching: (Re)writing Todd Worrell + Nine St. Louis Cardinals From My Past

Unlike Worrell, Tyson
signed by mail for
me (in the 1970s). I
loved Mike’s looping
sig and his
Gashouse Gang faces!

After the Cardinals overcame the Milwaukee Brewers Sunday, my thoughts turned to Todd Worrell. When he took St. Louis by storm in 1985, I wrote him. And wrote and wrote and…

He’s signed for many, according to However, in recent years, he’s been a man on the move. Some collectors have collected nothing but RTS returns, unable to find a current address.

I think I’ve located him. If St. Louis can have a storybook season, why not me? One more try!

I wondered if other former Cardinals will be by their TVs, too, hoping that their former employer gleans October glory once again. I wanted to devote my current crop of envelopes to St. Lou alums.

My other letters this week are headed to:

Cliff Chambers
John Fulgham
Jim Lindeman
Larry Miggins
Al Olmstead
Ted Power
Stan Royer
John Tamargo
Mike Tyson

Coming Thursday: Surprising words from Giants and Athletics broadcaster Lon Simmons.