Twin Julio Bequer Loves Wikipedia!

Who’s the old-timer?

I wrote to Julio Becquer (b. 1931), asking three questions. This 70-something stunned me with his reply.

“Tom – Wikipedia will give the whole history of my career and more.


Julio Becquer”

Really? Here is Mister B’s Wikipedia entry, for all you to judge.

What did I ask about? First, how did he learn English after his arrival from Cuba? What coaches or players helped him adapt? Second, I wanted to know about that game-winning grand slam on the Fourth of July, 1961. Lastly, I asked about the secrets of his pinch-hitting successes. How did he prepare during the game for his one late-inning opportunity?

Becquer included a signed photo. His signature still matches the facsimile autograph on the 1959 Topps. I wonder if he’s smiling more these days? Those are some serious-looking baseball cards!