Pete Seeger Scolded Some TTM Autograph Collectors

How many baseball
autographs include artwork?
Found at,
this site offers a book
and related CD of a radio
documentary profiling
the epic balladeer!

I’ll miss Pete Seeger.

The acclaimed folk singer and activist, who died last week at age 94, cared and he shared.

More than one baseball collector has confessed to seeking a Seeger signature through the mail.

Surprisingly, Seeger complied, only to scold several hobbyists.

Instead of writing for autographs, couldn’t you be making a difference in the world? He’d send such a message to chosen collectors.

Here’s where I think Seeger didn’t understand. I think collectors ARE changing the world.

Each letter is an opportunity to make a personal connection. It’s the chance to say thanks to a kindred spirit, to encourage someone admired to keep on keepin’ on.

You’re only as good as your letter. Why do you collect? Make your case on paper. Keep the signers signing.

Meanwhile, here’s some baseball-related footage of Seeger conversing with collectors.